E-Mail: stelian.brad@gmail.com
Professor in intelligent robotics and innovation engineering, with a PhD in robotics and a PhD in economics, Stelian Brad teaches artificial intelligence with applications in robotics to university students. In research, he investigates application of AI in industrial robotics for industry 4.0, social robotics and autonomous mobile robotic systems. He also focuses on researches for AI-driven systematic innovation.
For ASAIA, he comes with a long expertise and experience in building up innovation ecosystems, with a strong network at national and European level, as well as with leadership qualities accumulated in over 20 years of leading research structures, IT companies, and cluster initiatives, as well as over 150 national and international projects. To these, he was or is currently involved in many European and national initiatives on innovation, AI, robotics, digital transformation, and cybersecurity.
The “information age” in which humanity is living today has led to an increase in the complexity of life and the number of critical decisions per unit of time. Bureaucratic structures become inefficient and there is a need for new methods of society management in which more and more individuals are involved in decision making. Collective intelligence is essential in this endeavor. The signs of the transition to a new era appear – the “knowledge age” in which we must deeply understand the environment in which we live and act.
Through ASAIA we want to coagulate the critical mass of expertise in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) to help organizations and society in general to make the transition from the information age to the knowledge age, using operational tools such as conferences, scientific research, and education in the field of AI and supporting areas, but also through the assistance offered in consulting projects to organizations for helping them to move towards a deeper digital transformation with the support of AI and with access to large scale collective intelligence, data and information.

E-Mail: marin.iuga@intertechnica.com
With more than 20 years in the information technology industry, he assists companies in improving their organizational and technical capabilities thus increasing their competitiveness on the market.
He is the CEO of INTERTECHNICA – a technical and management consulting company, coordinator of the Data Intelligence group of Cluj IT (https://www.clujit.ro/working-groups/wg-data-intelligence/) and a European Digital SME Alliance Focus Group on AI member (https://www.digitalsme.eu/european-focus-group-on-artificial-intelligence).
Artificial Intelligence is a disrupting phenomenon, impacting our social and economic life in unprecedented ways for the years to come. One of the most important catalysts in adoption of Artificial Intelligence is the dissemination of knowledge at all levels of the society.
ASAIA embarks on a mission to promote, inform and consult the society on Artificial Intelligence’s benefits and challenges.

E-Mail: paulina.mitrea@cs.utcluj.ro
Associate Professor in Data Models/Data Intelligence and Software Engineering, with a PhD in High Performance Computing in AI based Medical Imaging, Paulina Mitrea teaches High Performance and Multimedia Data Bases, Object Oriented Software Engineering and AI based robotics. She also leads projects based on innovation and AI.
For ASAIA, she comes with a long expertise and experience in innovative project management – mainly in the domain of Smart Cities/Communities. The expertize in innovative project management covers approximately 30 years of activity in industrial and academic research in the top fields of IT.
Combining and linking the academic activity with the software industry, in the same time she is CTO of SOFTWARE ITC CLUJ SA – gold member of Cluj IT, which is one of the most important innovative and interdisciplinary IT Clusters of Romania, in this context being the leader of the “Brained City/Smart City” Group.
Artificial Intelligence is what becomes – now and in the immediate future – the basis of innovations in most fields of activity and human life. It is the engine that determines the evolution of all contexts of life and activity of human communities at higher levels, providing robust tools for data processing to assist / substantiate decision-making processes, which becomes a crucial condition in the highly complex contexts of our world today.

E-Mail: daniel.homorodean@arxia.com
With 20 years of experience as IT entrepreneur, Daniel has developed software products and services for the international market and has been involved as a consultant or trainer in complex projects in various technological fields. Daniel is primarily interested in the digital transformation of the public sector, supporting governments and institutions in developing strategies and technical standards, guidelines and specifications.
Daniel’s team supported the introduction of natural language processing for native African languages, providing consultancy and training for the development of the first text & speech AI chatbot in Kinyarwanda, as part of a GIZ-funded program.
Artificial Intelligence is a key area of opportunity for Romania, through which our country, both the IT industry and the research environment, can build and maintain a privileged global positioning, with a high level of expertise.
ASAIA is the framework through which specialists can establish a common vision and access large-scale opportunities through a partnership approach, while supporting the adoption of AI-based solutions in digital ecosystems, at governmental, regional, or private levels.

Anca Goron holds a PhD in artificial intelligence and over 10 years in research activity in Romania and Argentina, complemented by over 16 years of experience in business and IT&C. Among her current line of work, she addresses topics such as emerging technologies, IoT, Smart City and e-government solutions, advocating for the application of A.I. based solutions in all areas of life.
Anca Goron is also the founder of a tech startup, and in 2018 she was named among Top 100 Female Founders by Forbes magazine.
She currently coordinates two Smart City platforms and assists tech startups in implementing AI. At the same time, Anca is an active supporter of women in tech and collaborates closely with organizations worldwide as a mentor and consultant.